Intresting 10 Interesting Facts related to music

Searchable Design LLC
6 min readApr 26, 2021


Music has always been a fascinating part of human life. Nobody knows when and how it began, but we all naturally resort to music in our daily lives.

“Life without music is incomplete.” Indeed, you can’t imagine living life without music because music is an integral part of human life. From hearing the morning alarm, the phone’s waiting tune, and background music on the lift to the car’s horn and birds’ chirping, we hear music on every walk of life.

How much do you know about music other than Spotify, Genres, and musicians? As much as you love music, you know least about it.

Rick Perdian, the best music travel consultant in the US, has compiled a list of ten interesting facts related to music that you’d be glad to know about. Thank us later!

10 Interesting facts related to music

Here is the list of ten interesting facts related to music. So, how many of these do you already know?

Do you know, Musicians enjoy a shorter life span?

A study by the University of Sydney titled “Stairway to H*ll: Life and Death in the Pop Music Industry” concluded that musicians have a shorter life span than the general population.

While this is true, this doesn’t necessarily mean that music makes your life shorter. The study specifically looked at longevity and the proportion of suicides, homicides, and accidental deaths between 1950 and 2014 and found out that musicians enjoyed a lifespan of 25 years shorter than that of the general population.

Kurt Cobain, Amy Winehouse, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, and Jim Morrison all died at 27. Interestingly, they all died as a result of drug and alcohol abuse.

Mozart has sold more CDs than Beyoncé.

Yes, you heard it right! Mozart sold more CDs than Beyonce. According to Billboard, Mozart sold a total of 1.25 million CDs in 2016, beating Beyonce and Drake, Kanye West, and Adele.

In October 2016, Universal Music Group released a box set commemorating the 225th anniversary of Mozart’s death which contained 200 discs in each box.

As each CD of the box set counts as a sale, Mozart ended up selling over a million CDs. You’d be amazed to know that only 6,000 people brought the box sets.

Mozart is a renowned composer of Classical music from the 17th Century. His acclaimed works include The Magic Flute, Requiem, Symphony №40, The Marriage of Figaro, Piano Sonata №11, and more.

What is the oldest musical instrument in the world?

The oldest musical instrument in the world is a 43,000-year-old flute made from a cave bear femur. Also called “Divje Babe Flute,” it was found in Slovenia and is referred to as Neantherthals’ musical instrument. The bone piece has two identical holes pierced into it that many researchers believe is the earliest musical instrument.

Whether it is a flute created by Neanderthals is a subject of debate. The bone has become a noted attraction in the National Museum of Slovenia.

The other known oldest musical instrument is a 35,000 years old bone flute made out of vulture’s bone. Found in southern Germany in 2008, the flute has finger holes and a V-shaped mouthpiece.

Britney Spears Songs Scare Off Pirates

Yes, you heard it right. Britney Spears popular songs like Oops! I Did It Again and Baby One More Time is used to repel Somali pirates. The British Naval Officers play Britney spears to scare away Somali pirates off of Africa’s eastern coast.

It’s not because Britney’s songs are bad but because Somali pirates strongly dislike Western culture and music.

As explained by naval merchant officer Rachel Owens,

“Her songs were chosen by the security team because they thought the pirates would hate those most. These guys can’t stand Western culture or music, making Britney’s hits perfect. As soon as the pirates get a blast of Britney, they move on as quickly as they can.”

Music helps plants grow faster.

A study conducted by South Korean scientists from the National Institute of Agricultural Biotechnology found that plants grow faster when positive music is played around them.

Plants can perceive light, scent, touch, wind, and even gravity, making it possible for them to respond to music therapy as well.

The study used 14 different classical music pieces, including Beethoven’s “Moonlight Sonata,” in rice fields to observe if crops grow faster. Apparently, they did.

Your Birthday also Marks the most Sung Song in the World.

What is the most sung song in the world? Here’s a hint, it’s in English and is sung every year on your birthday. You guessed it right; the most sung song in the world is the tune “Happy Birthday to You.” Despite differences in language, culture, and tradition, most people worldwide still sing the same tune.

The four-line lyric was written as a classroom greeting in 1893 by two Louisville teachers, Mildred J. Hill, an authority on Negro spirituals, and Dr. Patty Smith Hill, professor emeritus of education at Columbia University.

Much to our surprise, the song’s rights are owned by Warner Chappell was bought for $15 million in 1990. The song is used in movies, songs, and another form of media that still manages to bring in $2 million a year in royalties from licensing.

The Longest Running Musical Performance will last 639 years.

The longest-running musical performance is set to continue for 639 years. Unlike what people choose to believe, it isn’t a traditional concert with a packed audience but a plain musical piece played by a pipe organ.

Organ2/ASLSP (As Slow as Possible) is a musical piece by John Cage is one of the longest-running musical performances. The performance of the organ version at St. Burchardi church in Halberstadt, Germany, began in 2001 and is scheduled to have a duration of 639 years, ending on September 5, 2640.

Spectators have to wait for a month to witness the change in each note.

You always had an Earworm inside your Head.

Don’t worry; it isn’t the actual earworm but a stuck song in your brain. An earworm called “a brainstorm” or “sticky music” refers to catchy music that continually repeats in your brain.

According to a music psychologist,

Nearly 90% of people experience an earworm with some song at least once a week.

Much to our surprise, there have been many studies done on earworms, including one out of the University of London that found the earworms could also be triggered by experiences that bring up a memory of a song, such as seeing a word, hearing few notes, or feeling an emotion associated with the song.

Prince could play 27 different instruments.

Prince, the icon of music, who dies aged 57, could play at least 27 different instruments. On his debut album “For You,” released on December 22, 1977, Prince is said to have played every single instrument: 27 in all.

The instruments include an electric guitar, acoustic guitar, bass, bass synth, singing bass, Fuzz bass, electric piano, acoustic piano, mini-Moog, poly-Moog, Arp string ensemble, Arp Pro Soloist, Oberheim four-voice, clavinet, drums, syndromes, water drums, slapsticks, bongos, congas, finger cymbals, wind chimes, orchestral bells, woodblocks, brush trap, tree bell, handclaps, and finger snaps.

Justin Bieber is equally loved and disliked by YouTube Community

The famous song “Baby” that launched a million Beliebers is also the most disliked video from a music artist on YouTube. Justin Bieber’s song featuring Ludacris has 12 million dislikes and counting that places it as the second most disliked video on YouTube.

Check this infographic out for more information in detail about 10 Interesting Facts related to music.

The video has over 2.4 billion views making it one of the most-watched YouTube videos. If you’re wondering how many likes has it got, it’s 17 million.



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