How does google algorithm updates impact your results?

Searchable Design LLC
6 min readDec 16, 2020


Did you know, Google processes over 7 billion searches per day; that is almost 80,000 search queries every second?

Along with dominating the search engine market, Google’s other services like paid advertising, Google Map, My Business, and YouTube play a vital role in determining the success of any business.

You’d ask why it is important to rank in Google Search Engine. Well, there are billions of webpages indexed in Google search engines where millions of businesses are competing with each other. Unless you rank well for any given keyword, you’re less likely to attract any visitor to your website.

Google started in 1998 but it wasn’t until 2000 when it first introduced a set of algorithms to rank a website based on its relevance. In the last 20 years, the searches in Google have increased by millions and so have the algorithms.

Google has 92.18% of the search engine market share as of July 2019.

Let’s say, algorithms are a set of rules. If you strictly follow the rules you’re less likely to be penalized by Google Search Engine. And like rewarding a good pupil for following the rules, your website will be rewarded with top rankings in the search engine.

What is the Google Algorithm update?

Google’s algorithms are a complex set of mathematical and logical rules used to retrieve data from its search index and instantly deliver the best possible results for a query or a keyword. The entire mechanism relies on a combination of algorithms and numerous ranking signals to deliver webpages ranked by relevance on its search engine results pages (SERPs).

The search engine may index your webpages but it can deny ranking your webpages in the search result pages if you fail to comply with Google’s algorithms.

Google Algorithm Update is a continuous process of tweaking algorithms to provide better and relevant results to the users. Why does Google need to update its algorithm time and again?

As pointed out by Neil Patel,

People change, plain and simple. And as our behavior changes, technology evolves to keep up with our wants and needs. So, search engines have to change too.

Even the smallest change to their algorithm can have a massive impact on millions of websites. And it is necessary because it ultimately affects the user experience. Every search is centered towards the interest of the user, and Google is likely to show only those results that match the user’s interest.

What are the impacts of Major Google Algorithm Updates?

In the last 20 years, Google has rolled out many different algorithm updates. Minor tweaks on updates are very common and regular while major updates are rolled out only a few times.

Did you know, Google uses over 200 factors in their algorithm for ranking websites?

That means, your website has to go through 200 different guidelines before being ranked in the Google Search Engine.

The list of major algorithm updates rolled out by Google that massively impacted billions of website around the world is as follows:

• Fred

• Intrusive Interstitials Update

• Mobilegeddon

• RankBrain

• Panda

• Penguin

• Hummingbird

• Pigeon

• Payday

• EMD (Exact Match Domain)

• Page Layout Algorithm

The most impactful among these algorithm updates were Panda, Penguin, Hummingbird, and Pigeon. These updates were directly targeted towards improving search engine rankings, removing link spams and manipulative link building, and demoting websites with plagiarized and poor content.

Although most websites that relied on ‘Black Hat SEO’ faced negative consequences after these updates were rolled out, many websites that adhered to ‘White Hat SEO’ techniques enjoyed an increase in ranking positions, rankings in top keywords, and eventually more visitors.

The websites that specialized in link farming and content plagiarizing were either outright banned or drastically demoted by Google Search Engine.

Many people wonder what these Google Algorithm Updates are and do these still impact their website rankings. Well, yes they do. These algorithm updates were rolled out as the permanent features where Google keeps tweaking some features every now and then.

Let’s take a look at these four major algorithm updates.

Google Penguin

Google Penguin is an algorithm update that targets the link spams and manipulative link building practices. It was rolled out in 2012. The last known major update to Google Penguin was made back in 2016.

Millions of websites were brought down overnight when this algorithm was released. Thanks to Google Penguin, not a single webmaster relies on link spamming or manipulating links to get a good ranking.

Google Panda

Google Panda is an algorithm update that adversely targets poor websites such as webpages with thin and plagiarized content. It was rolled out in 2011. The last known major Google Panda update was made back in 2015.

This algorithm update is relevant still after 9 years. It discourages websites from employing poor content writing techniques. It outrights discourages thin contents, duplicate contents, low-quality contents, contents with lack of authority, contents obtained from content farming sites, and contents with high ad-to-content ratio.

Google Pigeon

Google Pigeon is an algorithm update that was rolled out to improve the local listing Google My Business and business listings in Google Maps. It was released in 2014.

The algorithm emphasized improving organic signals for ranking, improving hyperlocal content, local SEO basic, and spam reporting.

Google Hummingbird

Hummingbird was rolled out by Google to help deliver a better and improved search result experience. It was rolled out in 2013.

It had major improvements in semantic search where the search results were provided based on the intent and contextual meaning of the search query. It emphasized the need to improve website content by targeting keywords to actual users.

How to keep ranking in Google Search Results?

There’s no going around Google’s algorithm update. If you fail to comply with their guidelines, you’re less likely to be ranked in the search engine result pages.

Here are some proven techniques to ensure that you don’t lose search engine rankings in the future.

Ensure to develop a mobile-friendly website

There’s really no argument about this. A website must be responsive to different screen sizes, devices, and browsers. It’s more likely that 9 out of 10 people looking at your website will access it from a mobile device.

More than 70% of Americans own a smartphone and over 80% of smartphone users choose to shop online.

If you fail to grasp smartphone users, you’d fail as a business. Google puts a lot of emphasis on user experience when it comes to using a website. If you don’t have a responsive website, the users are likely to leave your website before spending any considerable time surfing.

Remove 404 and other internal errors

Depending on the size of your website, or how long it’s been around, you’re likely to have a couple of 404 pages. The 404 errors pop up whenever you click a link that doesn’t exist.

This can be a great bummer to users who click a link through a search engine and land up nowhere. Google has strict compliance against 404 pages, so it’s better if you fix the broken links before Google finds out about it.

Test for device, voice, and browser compatibility

As mentioned before, a responsive website is a key to unravel top Google search engine rankings. Check your website on all possible devices and browsers. Check if it takes more than a couple of seconds to load.

People are impatient when they’re online, they need information at go. Make sure your website opens up quickly and in a format compatible with the user’s device and browser. Ensure that your content readily answers questions mostly asked in the Voice Searches.

By 2020, 50% of all search queries will be voice searches

Develop content based on user intent and interest

Website contents should be developed with the intent to answer user’s questions but keywords. A user is never looking for just pizza; they’re looking for pepperoni pizza or a pizza combo with coke around or nearest to their locality. Your content shouldn’t just answer about pizza but how can they order their favorite pizza from their nearest locality and receive it in the shortest time possible.

Develop high-quality content

Now, this is the key to ensure a good position in search engine rankings. Moreover, quality content drives the success of any website. Make sure you have original, assertive, and search engine-friendly content on your web pages. Avoid thin contents! Write bulky contents that incorporate user intent, keywords, additional information, etc.

Pay attention to analytics

Don’t forget to assess important SEO insights. Learn what pages in your website are getting more traffic, find out what you’re doing, troubleshoot pages with less ranking or higher abandonment rate, check the success ratio of your web forms and CTA. And, always plan for the future.

Get in touch with Searchable Design LLC, the best digital marketing agency in the US, to learn more about revamping your content, realigning your digital marketing goals, and optimizing your website for better SEO outputs.



Searchable Design LLC
Searchable Design LLC

Written by Searchable Design LLC

Searchable Design is an IT company in Nepal having enthusiastic group of professionals working to provide digital, web and mobile solution for all business.

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